Storing Carbon
to Address our Climate Challenge:
in farmland, oceans and forests
The Environmental Coalition of PEI invites the public to its online annual meeting via zoom: Click here for Link! on Wednesday, February 23rdth starting at 6:30 pm.
Carbon storage continues to be a critical tool in addressing climate change. We often think of trees storing carbon, but not enough about our agricultural land and our oceans. If treated properly, all three of these can store massive amounts of carbon. But they need to be treated properly.
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Judith Nyiraneza
Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada
Dr. Irene Novaczek
Marine Biologist
Gary Schneider
ECOPEI’s Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project
Everyone is welcome, for all or part of the evening – starting with the AGM at 6:30 and the presentations and discussion starting at 7:00 pm.
For more information please contact Ann Wheatley at 902-894-4573.